

Microsoft/automatic-graph-layout: A set of tools for graph layout and viewing
designs/compat-pack.md at master · dotnet/designs
Dapper with Attributes mapping
Advantages of WEB API over WCF – Saksoft
.net - VS Code $msCompile problemMatcher doesn’t work with relative file path - Stack Overflow
Using Entity Framework with Legacy Databases > Mitchel Sellers
c# - ASP.NET Core - Custom model validation - Stack Overflow
c# - ASP.NET Core Web API Authentication - Stack Overflow
ASP.NET Core 2: Doing scaffolding with dotnet CLI | aspnet-CodeGenerator – Felipe Gavilán
Call Oracle Store procedure with Dapper (C#) – Kawinvach Sinwaraweroj – Medium
ASP.NET Core 2.1 - Simple API for Authentication, Registration and User Management | Jason Watmore’s Blog
Ask Tim - Why Don’t You Use Entity Framework in C#?
BindingList<T> vs ObservableCollection<T> ~ Siderite’s Blog
Using Transactions for Unit Tests Passion for Coding
Custom Loggers in Akka .NET Gigi Labs
Using snake case column names with Dapper and PostgreSQL
c# - Omit localized versions of assemblies from the build output - Stack Overflow
Gitslyn - C# Gist IDE in the Cloud
.NET Fiddle


Sending binary data along with a REST API request


Porting Winforms Applications | Mono
Bart’s Software Cookbook: Making MFC controls available for WinForms through MFC subclassing


.NET Framework: 97. WCF : netTcpBinding에서의 각종 Timeout 값 설명
WCF Timeouts | Anders Lybecker’s Weblog!
Adding CORS support to WCF | The realm of code
Lessons Learned using WCF net.tcp | Blee Blah of .Net
How to remove VsDebuggerCausalityData header section from SOAP request in WCF - Stack Overflow
WCF: Reliable Messaging
c# - WCF self-hosted WebSocket Service with Javascript client - Stack Overflow
Reference Manual: A Known Error in WCF Restful Service
Implementing CORS support in WCF 위치: C# 대상: Visual Studio 2010
Productive Rage - WCF CORS (plus JSON & REST) - Complete Example
WCF Extensibility – IEndpointBehavior | Carlos Figueira MSDN blog
SignalR + WCF + SOLID: Ways an SOA WCF Notification Service can use SignalR | .NET, Silverlight, and Prism
Adding CORS support to WCF | The realm of code


Entity Framework 6, database-first with Oracle | C# Today
How do I get the Oracle 12c Visual Studio Tools… | Oracle Community
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for Windows Downloads


Dynamic User Interfaces in WPF - CodeProject
.NET Based Add-in/Plug-in Framework with Dynamic Toolbars and Menus - CodeProject
Omer van Kloeten’s .NET Zen - Three Ways To Create Dynamic Menus
TRICK: Xml Literals for C# - CodeProject
Dynamic UI with WPF and LINQ - Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Creating a Dynamic WPF Menu : Part 1 | Talking I.T. Through
WPF Navigation - Paul Stovell
Navigation with MVVM | Rachel Lim’s Blog
user controls - WPF: template or UserControl with 2 (or more!) ContentPresenters to present content in ‘slots’ - Stack Overflow
Creating Customized UserControls (Deriving from ContentControl) in WPF 4 - Pete Brown’s 10rem.net
How to Embed Arbitrary Content in a WPF Control - CodeProject
Difference between a UserControl and a CustomControl
Routed events from controls inside WPF CustomControls | Alan Beech - Developer
Recommendations and best practices for implementing MVVM and XAML/.NET applications « Rico Suter
c# - MVVM Light 5.0: How to use the Navigation service - Stack Overflow
What AnyCPU Really Means As Of .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 11 - DZone IoT
Test Run - Matrix Inversion Using C#
C# RX 에서 Observable에 대해 Wait() 할 때 Publish()해야 하는 경우
YouTube to mp3 Converter
Blog Moved to http://podwysocki.codebetter.com/
mgravell/fast-member: Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/fast-member
Chinook Database - Home
Rock Your Winforms Apps With Devexpress Mvvm

Language/Toolkit Specifics


Java EE - Downloads: GlassFish and Java EE 7 | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle
Java SE Development Kit 8 - Downloads


Python Extension Packages for Windows - Christoph Gohlke
힘센블로그 - 윈도우에서 파이썬 설치하기 (virtualenv, pip 사용법)
The perfect computer vision environment: PyCharm, OpenCV, and Python virtual environments - PyImageSearch


SciTools Blog » Blog Archive » CMake and Understand


How-to: Use Graphviz to draw graphs in a Qt graphics scene - MùPùF.org
Hexo-node blog framework



Oracle .NET Software Downloads - 윈도우즈용 개발도구
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for Windows Downloads
Overview of Entity Framework


전체글보기,TIBCO 솔루션 그리고 ….. : 네이버 카페
Choosing Your Messaging Protocol: AMQP, MQTT, or STOMP - VMware vFabric Blog - VMware Blogs


Top 5 Redis use cases | ObjectRocket
Coding Grounds: Redis from C# using a generic linq-based approach
Configuring Redis High Availability | Veritas User Community
Installing Redis As A Service | A Developer’s Side Notes
Redis Sentinel 레디스 센터널
Jan-Piet Mens :: Lots of messages: MQTT, Pub/Sub, and the Mosquitto broker
ServiceStack/redis-config: Configuration, scripts and docs for setting up redis servers and sentinels in popular configurations
Caching a MongoDB Database with Redis
Redis trouble shooting
Redis Sentinel · ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis Wiki


Resolving Git Merge Conflicts - In Lehman’s Terms


MartinKuschnik/WmiLight: A simple and light wmi framework.


Illustrated Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks: Understanding the Intuition
Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s: A step by step explanation


나도 dApp 개발해보자 (2) - dApp 의 아키텍쳐 > 개발 기획 | 체인톡 (ChainTalk.io) - 블록체인 커뮤니티
[블록체인 초보의 입문일기] 입문 26일차 - 생활코딩 (opentutorials.org) 강력 추천 — 스팀KR
나도 dApp 개발해보자 (1) - 시리즈를 시작하며 > 개발 기획 | 체인톡 (ChainTalk.io) - 블록체인 커뮤니티
MS도 하드웨어 신제품 공개..10월2일 ‘서피스 이벤트’ 연다


Yes, you can “Docker” on Windows 7
Docker Enterprise 버전 간략 정리
[SOLVED] Unable to query docker version: Get x509: certificate is valid for, not · Issue #14 · sparkfabrik/sparkdock
How to use a directory outside C:\Users with Docker Toolbox/Docker for Windows | Divio Help & Support
Docker를 기반으로 다양한 데이터베이스 환경 통합하기 – CHEQUER – Medium
Get started with Docker on Windows using Chocolatey
Docker vs Vagrant: Which is Better for Development? - DevTeam.Space
Should You Run Your Database in Docker? · vsupalov.com
Yes, you can “Docker” on Windows 7
Docker: Not Faster than VMs, but More Efficient - Container Journal


Data consistency across Microservices – Denise Schlesinger – Medium

개발자팁(Lifehack for Developer)

How to prevent or remove Visual Studio ipch/pch folders from the project
Notepad++ Replace Notepad
When will Visual Studio 2015 be supported? - NVIDIA Developer Forums

ROS 관련

How To Really, Truly Use QThreads; The Full Explanation | Maya’s Programming & Electronics Blog
What is the purpose of CATKIN_DEPENDS? - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum
catkin/CMakeLists.txt - ROS Wiki
OopsKr의 昭昭한 블로그 :: Ubuntu Qt install (우분투 Qt 설치하기)
Running Visual Studio Code on Linux
apt - Upgrade Git version on Ubuntu 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu
CMake Useful Variables/Logging Useful Variables - KitwarePublic
How to build Qt 4.8.6 with Visual Studio 2015 without official support? - Stack Overflow
Using CMake build system - Qt Wiki
Workaround for flicker/flashing when programmatically activating MDI child forms - CodeProject
OopsKr의 昭昭한 블로그 :: Ubuntu Qt install (우분투 Qt 설치하기)
T466415 - DevExpress NuGet packages | DevExpress Support Center
Build Simple Web UIs with the Nancy Framework – Visual Studio Magazine
KAT - Kickass Torrents
Introduction - Consul by HashiCorp


개발자의 의사소통 능력 - 지디넷코리아
Popular Coding Convention on Github
Making a better, somewhat prettier, but definitely more functional Windows Command Line - Scott Hanselman
Microsoft Code Contracts: Not with a Ten-foot Pole > .NET/C# > Encodo Blogs